Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Introducing Mindanda: the Next Step

In preparation for a talk I'm giving at DOSUG I'm going to post my thinking as it develops.

The next step for Prospero is Miranda.

Miranda builds on many of the concepts that Prospero had. Things like capturing HTTP POSTs, forwarding them to subscribers, etc. Miranda does what Prospero does and takes the next step.  In addition to capturing POSTs, it also capture PUT and DELETE.

Miranda also addresses Prospero's limitations. Prospero, for example, does everything in the clear. Miranda does everything in SSL/TLS. There are many areas that Miranda improves on Prospero.

Miranda works by sitting in front of, and recording for, web services.  When a client sends a POST/PUT/DELETE to an endpoint, Miranda records it.  Since Miranda is a distributed, fault-tolerant system it makes the underling web service to appear to be more reliable than it actually is.

Ideally, the service appears to be as reliable as Miranda is, and hopefully, that is very reliable.

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