Thursday, June 22, 2017

Java and SSL:Welcome to the Dark Ages!

This post is part of a series about the worlds of Java and SSL.  I hope to do 1 post a day on this topic. The resulting posts will become the basis for another section of a talk that I am scheduled to give on August 10 at the Boulder/Denver Cybersecurity Meetup.
  • If you have an Java and SSL Expert..
  • SSL is difficult in Java NIO
  • Few tools are available
  • Even Stack Overflow was no help
All I can say about experts in the field of Java and SSL is that if you have one...KEEP THEM!  I found the combination of Java (NIO) and SSL to be very difficult.  And the Java world has had over 10 years (NIO was releases in 2006) to fix this!

I found SSL to be ridiculously difficult in Java NIO.  For something as ubiquitous as SSL I was hoping to find it an easier going.  Oh boy was I wrong.  

I had to fight SSL every step of the way.  If things became easy, I immediately became suspicious.  If I tried to do something "simple" in SSL, all the examples that I found generated warnings when I tried to use them.  When I found what I deemed a bug in one library, the person I worked with dismissed it as "not a bug," the list goes on and on.

I found very few libraries or frameworks for SSL.  The only real alternative to the classes in the JDK is BouncyCastle, but I found BC to be very poorly documented (there is a one page "User Guide" that basically points you to some examples and the JavaDoc).  

Two frameworks that implement SSL are Apache Mina and Netty.  Interacting with Netty was were I had the "this is not a bug" experience.  I am dreading the day that I have to work with the Mina folks.

Examples with SSL are few and far between.  Many problems I just couldn't find an answer to.  I even posted a problem on Stack Overflow, expecting a dozen message with title like "Try THIS, bonehead" but no one replied.

As with all my experiences, your own experience may vary from mine.

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