What is Miranda?
Miranda is an open source messaging system that records HTTP POST/GET/PUT/DELETE messages to a cluster of systems. It is up on github although it is currently in the design phases. It is based on the open source system called subpub which is also on github. subpub was originally called "Prospero" from William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. In the pay, Miranda is the daughter of Prospero, hence the name. Prospero/subpub was developed by Chris Chew.
What is CLIPC?
LCIPC is a an open-source Java library for interprocess communications that runs on Windows and Linux. You can find the source code for the library as well as examples on SourceForge.
What does "CLIPC" stand for?
CLIPC stands for com.lts.ipc, the package name of the library.
What is ltsllc?
That's short for Long Term Software, LLC. the consulting company that the author (Clark N. Hobbie), owns.
Does CLIPC run on the Mac?
It may, but I have not tried it. If you try CLIPC on the Mac please send me an
email and let me know how if and how it works.